新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天下》手游X洛天依乐正绫联动开启 今日上线

《天下》手游X洛天依乐正绫联动开启 今日上线

"The world" mobile game X los Open Day in accordance with the music is twill linkage Online today

2017-07-27 11:26:50来源: 任玩堂


Netease top quality flagship "world tour, hand anniversary carnival season opens today! Day, joy is twill IP linkage, the popular virtual idol zero threshold to take home! More los day, joy is twill exclusive new suit "company counterparts" opened today, to handle the event successful! Six major professional brand new skills, new combat performance, new skill sets, fight for gamers to bring different experiences and melee of fun! System debut with robe, affix one's seal for same-sex friends relationship, hand in hand at large wild! "World tour and los day according to the hand, joy is twill IP linkage officially opened today, linkage exclusive partner zero threshold for free. On July 27 to August 11, two dimensional virtual idol los day, joy is twill will play the world hand by getting exclusive partner into the game, and players through wild side. And lo day, joy is twill exclusive new mountain of voice actors, qi Inory will officially join the world tour for two hand wildly popular little sister voice...

标签: 手游