新关注 > 信息聚合 > 即刻正当燃 《虚荣》2019 CVPL 夏季赛报名开启

即刻正当燃 《虚荣》2019 CVPL 夏季赛报名开启

Immediately and rightly ignited "Vanity" 2019 CVPL Summer Competition registration opens

2019-04-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随着即将到来的4.2版本,《虚荣》将正式迈入跨平台时代!在本届《虚荣》CVPL(即虚荣中国区职业联赛)官方发布的报名规则中:手机、平板、PC三端将首次同场竞技!不同平台间的距离不复存在。赛事报名规则:只要你的《虚荣》国服账号注册在2019年1月31日前,且段位高于4段(含4段),无论你是使用手机、平板还是PC,均可以组队报名参加本次夏季赛! 《虚荣》MOBA竞技新时代,没有平台高下,只有实力之争!《虚荣》玩家们,绝对不能错过的全民夏日竞技盛会! 目前,官方的夏季赛报名通道已开启(关注虚荣官方网站或扫描下方二维码即可进行报名)。 本次大赛的奖金池部分,相信也会令所有参赛选手满意!...

With the upcoming version 4.2, "Vanity" will officially enter the era of cross-platform! In this "Vanity" CVPL (Vanity China Professional League) official announcement rules: mobile phones, tablets, PCs will be the first time in the same competition! The distance between different platforms no longer exists. Rules for registration: As long as your "Vanity" national service account is registered before January 31, 2019, and its position is higher than 4 paragraphs (including 4 paragraphs), whether you use mobile phones, tablets or PCs, you can form a team to participate in this summer competition! "Vanity" MOBA competitive new era, no platform, only the strength of the struggle! Vanity players, we must not miss the National Summer Games! At present, the official Summer Race registration channel has been opened (pay attention to the official vanity website or scan the two-dimensional code below to register). The prize pool part of this contest will also satisfy all competitors. ...