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跨服争霸 《灵妖记》仙界争霸资料片上线

Cross-server supremacy the celestial spirit demon ji ii expansion

2018-01-31 10:53:06来源: 任玩堂

仙界迎春,万妖争霸!《灵妖记-神仙道外传》安卓版本“仙界争霸”资料片今日全面上线,万妖塔震撼开启,神秘仙界揭开面纱,跨服又有新玩法,还有全新伙伴齐天大圣陪你同走逆天修行之路。神仙有灵,妖亦有道,来《灵妖记-神仙道外传》的世界参与这一段传奇故事吧。妖仙齐聚 决战万妖塔万妖塔中,镇压万妖,其中小怪众多,但唯独妖王称霸。每周万妖塔都将会开启,迎接妖仙前来冒险挑战。妖仙大人达到20级时,即可报名参与万妖塔活动,当服务器解锁跨服时,该活动下一次开启时将进入跨服状态。万妖塔中一切以妖气为重,玩家可以通过击杀小怪,攻击其他玩家,挑战妖王等方式获得妖气,在以上过程中有机会获得万妖宝珠,增强自身攻击力,获得更多...

Million demon that celestial chun! "The spirit demon - celestial way gaiden android version" celestial supremacy "expansion comprehensive online today, wan demon tower shock open, mysterious celestial unveiled, cross-server and had the new style, there are new partner Monkey King with you with the fate of the spiritual path. Immortal spirit, demon also youdao, to "the spirit demon - celestial way gaiden world to participate in this legend. Demon fairy in battle than demon demon tower, tower suppress demon, including small blame is numerous, but only the lich king. All demon tower will open every week, meet the challenges monster fairy to adventure. Demon fairy adult at level 20, can sign up to participate in the activities of all demon tower, when server unlock cross-server, the activity when the next open will enter a state of cross-server. Million demon tower to everything there is heavy, players can kill MOBS, attack other players, challenge the lich king and other way to get there, in the process of the above have access to all monster orb, enhance their damage, to gain more...