新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀9月英雄排行榜:花木兰削弱依然无解


King glory heroes ranking in September: hua mulan weaken still unanswered

2017-09-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀S8赛季开启至今已经快到了赛季末个月,9月份也即将到来,抓住暑假的尾巴正是上分的好时机,下面小编给各位带来9月份英雄排行的预测!相信大家看完之后9月上分飞起! 关羽,花木兰,阿轲,鬼谷子 鬼谷子上线后60%的征召局的胜率无人可以企及,从多排的套路到单排的单枪匹马,一个二技能拉扯强控,真心恶心到人了。作为辅助,能抗能输出,团控能力强,战术地位极高,还有什么理由让你不ban他?不ban鬼谷子放给对面的人都死了! 花木兰和阿轲虽然在最近版本都受到了不同程度的削弱,但仍然是排位上的杀器,花木兰一顿尬舞带走脆皮,在辅助目送下潇洒离开!阿轲一套操作简单粗暴,脆皮也是直接回泉水无解!不同的是...

King glory S8 season opening months has been quick to the end of the season, September is coming, also a good time to catch the tail of the summer vacation is on the, here small make up heroes ranking in September forecast brings to you! Believe everyone after finish September on the fly! Guan yu, hua mulan, o Ke, guiguzi Guiguzi post-launch up bureau since no one can reach 60%, routines to single alone, from more than one row of a 2 skills strong pull control, really disgusting to the people. As the auxiliary, can output resistance, group control ability, tactical status is extremely high, what is the reason let you don't ban him? Don't ban written with the opposite all dead! Though Ke mulan and, in the recent versions are subject to different degrees of weakening, but is still a bombshell on qualifying, hua mulan a full dance away crispy, natural and unrestrained leave under the auxiliary watched! O Ke an operating simple and crude, crispy is directly back to the spring have no solution! The difference is...

标签: 王者荣耀