新关注 > 信息聚合 > 荣归魔兽经典奥特兰克战场 打响《风暴英雄》阵营争霸战

荣归魔兽经典奥特兰克战场 打响《风暴英雄》阵营争霸战

Glory to the Warcraft, the battle of the storm, the battle of storm heroes.

2018-06-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《魔兽世界》的阵营战火已蔓延至时空枢纽,战斗的号角将再一次响彻白雪覆盖的奥特兰克群山。随着新战场“奥特兰特战道”搭建完成,我们强大的英雄们也加入了联盟或部落的阵营。是时候发动暴风攻势,为你所属的阵营荣誉而战了!截至7月9日当周,拉上你的战友参与《风暴英雄》的争霸奥特兰克限时活动,还能享受50%的额外好友经验加成。就让我们一起来了解一下这场全新的联盟与部落的史诗之战吧! 重温魔兽经典:风暴全新战场“奥特兰克战道” 阵营对抗一直是艾泽拉斯永恒的话题,作为《魔兽世界》历史上最经典的战场之一,奥特兰克承载了无数魔兽老玩家的美好回忆。随着联盟的范达尔将军和部落的德雷克塔尔将军被注入了时空枢纽的...

The battle of World of Warcraft has spread to the hub of time and space, and the horn of battle will once again ring over the snow covered mountain of ork. With the completion of the new battleground "the battle of ort", our powerful heroes joined the alliance or tribal camps. It's time to launch a storm attack and fight for the honor of your camp. As of July 9th, when your comrade in arms took part in the storm heroes' time limit campaign, you could enjoy 50% extra experience. Let's learn about this new battle between the alliance and the tribe. Recollection of the Warcraft classic: the battle of the ortland battle path, the new battlefield of the storm, has always been the eternal topic of Azeroth. As one of the most classic battlefields in the history of the World of Warcraft, ortran bears the wonderful memories of countless veterans. General Vandall and general Drake General of the tribe were injected into the hub of time and space.