新关注 > 信息聚合 > 来宠物养成游戏《我的寄宿狗屋》 当一位称职的汪..

来宠物养成游戏《我的寄宿狗屋》 当一位称职的汪..

Pet to develop game "my boarding kennel" when a competent Wang..

2015-07-22 19:53:46来源: 任玩堂

你是否有想过自己开一家狗狗旅馆呢?现在就有一款名为 DogHotel FREE《我的寄宿狗屋》的游戏能够满足你的愿望,快来看看吧。 这是一款宠物养成类型的游戏,玩家将在游戏中饰演狗狗旅馆里的一名狗窝管理员,负责照顾不同品种的汪星人,如忠诚的拉布拉多犬,敏捷的澳大利亚牧羊犬等等,并训练它...

you whether thought I open a hotel for dogs? Now there is a "DogHotel FREE" of my boarding kennel game can satisfy your desire, come have a look. This is a pet form type of game, players will be in the game played hotel for dogs in a kennel administrator, responsible for the care of the different varieties of Wang Pleiadian, such as loyalty in Labrador, agile Australian Shepherd and so on and train it.

标签: 游戏