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RNG战队小组首战击溃C9 创造本届S8最快速度

RNG clan group opener crush C9 create the S8 fastest speed

2018-10-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

S系列全球总决赛作为英雄联盟知名度最高的年度盛事,历来得到广大玩家的追捧。10月10日,英雄联盟S8全球总决赛小组赛正式拉开序幕,首日上演了六大精彩对决。其中备受关注的斗鱼签约战队RNG,以1:0战胜了小组赛的首个对手C9战队喜获开门红。同时值得注意的是,整个赛事直播期间,斗鱼直播间打造了极具特色观赛活动,引起了上千万粉丝的追捧。 回顾RNG世界赛首战,完全可以用“碾压式”来形容,未到25分钟就拿下了比赛的胜利,创下S8最快获胜的记录。双方开局在BP、阵容选择上,各有针对。RNG的阵容组合为牛头、岩雀、霞、加里奥、慎,偏向下路为核心;C9的阵容组合为厄加特、卡莎、洛、寡妇、瑞兹,这套阵...

S global finals series as the hero of the most famous annual event in alliance, has gained a big following in the player. On October 10, the hero alliance S8 global finals officially kicked off in the group stage, the six big wonderful showdown on the first day. One high-profile signing team RNG, selectively's first group match 1-0 victory over the C9 team made a good start. At the same time, it is important to note that during the event live, bettas studio built the distinctive viewing activities, attracted millions of fans. Review the RNG world opening, can use "rolling type" to describe, not to 25 minutes to win the race, set the S8 fastest win record. The two sides start on BP, team selection, each have to. The RNG lineup combination for the tauren, rock finches, chardonnay, Mr, Gary, as the core to the road; C9 lineup combination for er Galt, Sally, los, widows, ritz, the array...