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最火爆展位 2015《劲舞团》CJ亮点回顾

The most popular booth 2015 "dance mission" CJ highlights review

2015-08-03 10:09:31来源: 17173

虽然魔都历经高温酷暑,但始终没能阻挡住小伙伴们的步伐与热情。7月30日,ChinaJoy盛大开幕,虽说是短暂的4天时间,但展览现场依旧摩肩接踵,场场爆棚。而作为此次E6展馆拥有800多平米的久游网,素有国内音舞网游鼻祖之美誉的《劲舞团》一度成为玩家们驻足把玩、娱乐休闲的最火爆展位之一。 ...

although the magic after the summer heat, but has not been able to stop the guy with pace and passion. In July 30th, the grand opening of ChinaJoy, although it is a short time for 4 days, but the exhibition venue bursting still jostle one another on the way. And as the exhibition hall of the E6 has more than 800 square metre long swim the net, known as domestic music dance, the net swims the originator of the reputation of the "dance mission" became the players play, leisure and entertainment the most popular booth of stop. ...