新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《数码宝贝进化》异次元首发礼包 关注公众号免费领取

《数码宝贝进化》异次元首发礼包 关注公众号免费领取

The digital baby evolution with shade head of state to send gift bag Pay attention to the public, to receive free of charge

2017-07-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今天我们推荐的是《数码宝贝进化》异次元首发礼包。 礼包内容:抽取券x3 BOSS扫荡卷x3 数码金属x100 使用说明: 在游戏中,点击”限时活动“,选择“兑换码”,在兑换框体中输入礼包激活码即可! 使用范围:安卓平台

Today we recommend is a "digital baby evolution" another head of state to send gift bag. Package content: extracting coupon x3 BOSS swept volume x3 digital metal x100 instructions: activities in the game, click on the "limit", select "change code", the gift bag activation code in the cash box body can! Use scope: the android platform