新关注 > 信息聚合 > PlayStation将于9月12日推出会员免费《最终幻想7》音乐会程序


PlayStation will launch its membership free Final Fantasy 7 concert program on September 12.

2019-09-04 15:06:16来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix 宣布将免费为 PS+ 会员用户提供《最终幻想7》的音乐会应用“Premium Musical Notes FINAL FANTASY VII A Symphonic Reunion”,9月12日起开放下载,免费时间截止至2020年5月12日,日服、韩服、港服等商店均将上架。本次的《最终幻想7》的音乐会应用收录了 E3 2019 时在洛杉矶举办的交响音乐会中的8首曲目,大家可以趁此机会在自己的 PS4 上欣赏到这些经典名曲,该音乐会应用支持繁简中文。收录曲目:序曲Opening~爆破任务J-E-N-O-V-A星降之峡谷爱丽丝主题曲Cinco de ChocoboJenov...

Square Enix announces that it will provide free Premium Musical Notes FINAL FANTASY VII A Symphonic Reunion, a concert app for PS + members. It will be downloaded from September 12, and free of charge until May 12, 2020. Japanese, Korean and Hong Kong clothing stores will be on the shelves. The concert app of Final Fantasy 7 includes eight tracks from the symphony concert held in Los Angeles at E3 2019. You can enjoy these classical songs on your PS4. The concert app supports simple Chinese. Catalogue: Prelude Opening ~Blasting Mission J-E-N-O-V-A Starfall Canyon Alice Theme Song Cinco de Chocobo Jenov...

标签: 最终幻想