新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《鬼泣5》发售日确定2019年3月8日


The devil may cry 5 day on March 8, 2019

2018-08-21 23:38:57来源: 游戏时光

在刚刚进行的 Xbox 直播中,CAPCOM 宣布《鬼泣5》将于2019年3月8日正式发售,登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。同时还有一段全新的预告片公开,可以看到更多动作,更多场景,更多 Boss,以及最后但丁带着它的新武器华丽登场。视频地址借着新技术,许多之前只能在过场动画中实现的演出,这次似乎也可以实机操作了,比如下面这个经典的踩火箭……本作估计会把耍酷玩出新高度吧……此前采访中制作人表示游戏将支持 4K/60帧 ,目标是打造平成年最后、最强动作游戏。现在这个发售日已经定在了平成年最后一个月,至于是不是最强,等游戏发售后我们就知道了。最后,本作还将在今年的 TGS 公布更多详情,各位请关注我们的后续报道。

Conducted in just the Xbox live, CAPCOM announced "devil may cry 5" will launch on March 8, 2019 landing PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms. There is also a new trailer for the public, you can see more action, more scenes, more Boss, and finally Dante luxuriant appearance with its new weapons. Before video address with new technology, many can only be done in the cinematic sequences show, this time also seems to be real machine operation, such as the following classic on the rockets... This is expected to play the cool new height... After interview producer said game will support 4 k / 60 frames, the goal is to create pp.47-53 years finally, strongest action game. Now the release date has been set at pp.47-53 years last month, as to whether the strongest, let us know as soon as after the release. In the end, this will also be released in this year's TGS for more details, you pay attention to our subsequent reports.