新关注 > 信息聚合 > 木七七施辰刚:我是这样将玩家次留提升了5%的


Wood groups ShiChen just: I will be so players time to keep up 5%

2017-07-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

-施辰刚 -- 神策分析的数据处理速度是我目前见过最快的 北京2017年7月19日电 -- 神策数据的合作伙伴 -- 木七七游戏工作室近日发布了一篇关于提升玩家次留率的文章,并肯定了神策分析的服务能力。木七七的数据负责人施辰刚表示,“神策分析的数据处理速度是我目前见过最快的”。以下为木七七发布的文章全文: 游戏行业的数据分析能做什么?抛开基础运营支持外,还包括渠道推广评估、用户流失原因分析、用户付费动机分析等方面。精细化运营对游戏玩家新增、留存、转化、收入等各环节都起到极大促进作用。从游戏复杂、琐碎数据中挖掘数据价值,不断优化游戏机制设计、场景设计、故事情节设计、位置和物品设计、界...

- ShiChen just -- god policy analysis data processing speed is the fastest I've seen in Beijing in 2017, July 19 (Reuters) - god policy data partners - wood groups game studios recently published a article about improving players time retention rate, and affirmation of the service of god policy analysis capability. Wood, head of the groups of data ShiChen just said, "god policy analysis of the data processing speed is the fastest" now I seen. Into the following groups of wood release full article: game industry data analysis can be done? Aside from basic operational support, including trade promotion evaluation, user loss reasons, users pay motivation analysis, etc. Fine operation of game players, retained, transformation and new income and so on each link all play a great role in promoting. From the game in the complex and trivial data mining data value, constantly optimize the game mechanics design, scene design, the plot design, location and goods design, community...

标签: 玩家