新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游密科技荣获GMGC 2017天府奖盛典“最佳移动游戏服务商奖”

游密科技荣获GMGC 2017天府奖盛典“最佳移动游戏服务商奖”

Swim close technology won the award of 2017 tianfu GMGC awards "for best mobile game service providers"

2017-11-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年11月2日,由GMGC、成都市经济和信息化委员会联合主办,成都市人民政府支持的第六届全球游戏开发者大会暨天府奖盛典(简称:GMGC成都2017),在成都首座万豪酒店盛大召开。本届天府奖奖项设置全面升级,来自全球游戏行业的众多领袖精英共聚蓉城,见证了这场国内最顶级的业界颁奖盛宴,其中游密科技荣获最佳移动游戏服务商奖! 天府奖是由GMGC创办的年度游戏领域盛典,面向游戏行业评选出年度优秀产品、企业及人物,旨在通过评选出真正优秀的精品游戏给予嘉奖,并对在游戏领域做出贡献的从业者致以敬意,提升中国游戏产品竞争力,推动整体市场不断发展革新,而游密科技荣获其中之一最佳移动游戏服务商奖,正...

On November 2, 2017, sponsored by GMGC, economic and information commission of chengdu, chengdu municipal government support of the sixth global game developers conference and festival 2017) (hereinafter referred to as: GMGC chengdu tianfu prize, the first opens the marriott hotel in chengdu. The tianfu prize award set up comprehensive upgrade, many leaders from some of the world's game industry elite copolymerization Argo, witnessed the domestic industry's top awards banquet, among them swim close technology won the award for best mobile game service provider! Tianfu prize was founded by GMGC annual gaming event, selected for game industry annual excellent product, enterprise and characters, aims to identify the products really good game to give praise, and to contribute in the field of game practitioners with respect, and promote the competitiveness of the Chinese game products, promote the overall market development innovation, and swim close technology won the award of one of the best mobile game service providers, is...

标签: 游戏