新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《漫威复仇者联盟》中文版将于2020年5月15日同步发售


The Chinese version of Manwei Avenger Alliance will be released simultaneously on May 15, 2020.

2019-09-11 13:50:08来源: 游戏时光

Square Enix 与漫威联合打造超级英雄英雄《漫威复仇者联盟》将于明年发售,今日发行商台湾万代南梦宫宣布本作繁体中文版也将在 2020 年 5 月 15 日同步发售,登陆 PS4/Xbox One/PC 平台。《漫威复仇者联盟》将还原漫威宇宙世界观,带来杰出的原创剧情,游戏中美国队长、钢铁侠、浩克、黑寡妇、索尔等人在复仇者总部参加开幕仪式,并公开以试验性能源为动力的航空母舰,此时发生了一场致命的灾难,复仇者们因此遭到责难并就此解散,时隔五年,超级英雄们仍被政府禁止行动,但威胁逐渐逼近……本作中玩家可以选择自己心仪的英雄,解锁其充满威力的技能和新装备,打造自己心目中的最强英雄,游戏支持单人...

Square Enix and Manway jointly build the superhero "Manway Avenger Alliance" to be released next year. Today's publisher Nanmeng Palace of Taiwan Wandai announced that the traditional Chinese version of this work will also be launched simultaneously on May 15, 2020, landing on the PS4/Xbox One/PC platform. "Manway Avenger Alliance" will restore Manway's cosmic outlook and bring outstanding original plot. In the game, American captain, Iron Man, Hock, Black Widow, Sol and others attend the opening ceremony of the Avenger Headquarters, and open an aircraft carrier powered by experimental energy. At this time, a fatal disaster, revenge, happened. They were blamed and disbanded. Five years later, the superheroes were still banned from action by the government, but the threat was approaching. In this work, players can choose their favorite heroes, unlock their powerful skills and new equipment, build their own mind's strongest heroes, the game supports single players.