新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼公开16台北电玩展游戏名单 沙排3可试玩

索尼公开16台北电玩展游戏名单 沙排3可试玩

SONY unveiled 16 Taipei game show game list sand row 3 Demo

2016-01-01 14:38:10来源: 新浪

SCET于今日正式公布了2016年台北国际电玩展的出展阵容。今年其摊位规模比往年更大,现场将展出近30款PS4和PSV游戏,并提供上百台试玩机器供玩家体验。 参展游戏中受人瞩目的作品包括PS4平台的《死或生:极限沙滩排球3 Fortune》,《轩辕剑外传:穹之扉》,《战场女武神:高清...

SCET today officially announced the 2016 Taipei International Exhibition of the game show lineup. This year the size of the booth than in previous years more, the site will be exhibited nearly 30 PS4 and PSV game, and provide hundreds of demo machines for players to experience. Exhibition game notable works include PS4 platform "dead or alive: Ultimate beach volleyball 3 fortune, the Xuanyuan sword: dome of Fei", "Valkyria Chronicles: HD...

标签: 游戏 索尼