新关注 > 信息聚合 > 岩田聪:“免费游戏”的说法太虚伪


Iwata So: "free to play" argument is too hypocritical

2015-03-26 12:35:24来源: 新浪

虽然Free-to-play(免费增值,以下简称F2P)模式已经成了很多开发商和发行商的大爱,但任天堂总裁岩田聪显然不是它的“粉丝”。 日前在接受时代杂志采访时,岩田聪表示,F2P这种说法很虚伪,因为实际上这些游戏根本免费不了太久。 在采访中,岩田聪反复提到一个极具讽刺意味的短语...

although Free-to-play (free value-added, hereinafter referred to as F2P) model has become a lot of developers and publishers big love, but Nintendo President Iwata So is obviously not it "fans". Recently in an interview with Time magazine interview, Iwata So said, F2P this claim is false, because in fact these game does not free too long. In the interview, Iwata So repeatedly mentions an ironic phrases...

标签: 游戏