新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星际传奇》最强输出英雄TOP5


"Star legend" output is the strongest hero TOP5

2015-07-20 17:54:55来源: 4399

3D集火射击手游 《星际传奇》拥有最丰富的游戏内容,为玩家准备了许多特色英雄,让大家能够在星空中自由的战斗。今天小编就为大家送上最强输出英雄TOP5,让大家对自己的英雄有更好的选择。 强力指数:★★★ 推荐理由:黑暗是流浪佣兵的攻击型英雄,非常强力的突进型刺客。黑暗可以对敌方能量伤害...

3D massed firing hand travel star legend "has the rich game content, for the players prepared many of the characteristics of the hero, so that we can freely in the sky of battle. Today is a small series for you to send the strongest output hero TOP5, so that we have a better choice of their heroes. Strength index: * * * recommended reason: dark attack type hero wandering mercenary assassin, onrush type very powerful. Darkness can damage the enemy...

标签: 星际传奇