新关注 > 信息聚合 > 漫威影业总裁凯文·费奇将担任《星球大战》电影制片人


Kevin Fitch, director of Marvel pictures, will be the producer of Star Wars films

2019-09-26 13:01:36来源: 游戏时光

据 The Hollywood Reporter 报道,漫威影业总裁、漫威电影宇宙背后的推动者凯文·费奇,将作为制片人参与到一部新《星球大战》电影的制作中,据称这部电影将是「“星球大战”宇宙一系列项目浪潮」计划中的一部分。报道中透露,在今年夏天凯文·费奇曾与卢卡斯影业总裁 Kathleen Kennedy 及联合主席 Alan Horn、Alan Bergman 会面,谈论了有关《星球大战》项目的内容。在声明中 Horn 表示“我们对 Kathy 和卢卡斯影业团队参与的项目感到兴奋,不仅仅是《星球大战》,还包括了《夺宝奇兵》,以及其他公司的项目。随着天行者传奇的完结,Kathy 正在探索星战故...

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Kevin Fitch, president of Manway Film and the promoter behind Manway Film Universe, will be involved as a producer in the production of a new Star Wars movie, which is said to be part of a series of "Star Wars Universe Project Wave" projects. It was revealed that this summer, Kevin Fitch met with Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, Alan Horn and Alan Bergman, co-chairmen, to discuss the content of the Star Wars project. In the statement, Horn said: "We are excited about the projects that Kathy and Lucasfilm teams are involved in, not only Star Wars, but also Treasury Troops and other companies. With the end of Skywalker's legend, Kathy is exploring the aftermath of Star Wars.

标签: 电影 星球大战