新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《游戏王》中的「强欲之壶」商品化,明年4月发售


Commercialization of the "strong desire pot" in "game king" will be launched in April next year

2019-11-29 11:31:00来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫今日宣布将推出一款全新“壶型”手办模型,造型源自大家非常熟悉的《游戏王》中那个可以抽两张卡的魔法卡“强欲之壶”,今日起在万代商城开放预购。这款“强欲之壶”将采用彩陶工艺,由著名陶器盛产地美浓的专业之人用白云陶器打造,并亲自手工上色,即使是摆在家中也是一件别具一格的工艺品。“强欲之壶”售价 11550 日元(约合 742 元),预计将于 2020 年 4 月发货。来源:万代官网商城

Nanmeng palace announced today that it will launch a new "pot type" hand-made model. The model comes from the magic card "strong desire pot" in "game king", which can draw two cards. Today, it will open for pre purchase in the mall. This "strong desire pot" will be made of colored pottery by professional people from Meinong, a famous pottery producing area, who use white cloud pottery to make it and hand color it. Even if it is placed at home, it is a unique handicraft. The "strong desire pot" is priced at 11550 yen (about 742 yuan), and is expected to be delivered in April 2020. Source: Wandai official website mall

标签: 游戏