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Game Pass是如何改变Xbox的?

How does game pass change Xbox?

2019-11-20 11:07:59来源: 游戏时光

本文来自 Gamesindustry.biz,作者:Christopher Dring,原标题《How Game Pass is transforming Xbox》,翻译:小奈田。目前有大量开发中的 Xbox 游戏。《光环》《精灵与萤火》《帝国时代》《飞行模拟器》《嗜血边缘》《忍者蛙》《Everwild》《Tell Me Why》《Gears Tactics》《Grounded》……以及更多尚未公布的作品。Xbox 游戏工作室的负责人 Matt Booty 告诉我们,他们将在圣诞节前夕再公布一批新游戏,而 2020 上半年还有更多。微软今年的X019确实放出了不少重磅消息“你将会看...

This paper is from & nbsp; gamesindustry.biz, written by Christopher drilling, originally titled how game pass is transforming Xbox, translated by Xiao naitian. There are currently a large number of Xbox games in development. Halo, elves and fireflies, Empire age, flight simulator, bloodthirsty edge, ninja frog, everwild, tell me why, gears tactics, grounded And more that have not yet been published. Matt booty, the director of Xbox game studios, told us that they will release another batch of new games on Christmas Eve, and there will be more in the first half of 2020. Microsoft's x019 this year did release a lot of heavy news: "you will see

标签: Xbox