新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA宣布《星球大战 战争前线2》英雄解锁积分下调75%

EA宣布《星球大战 战争前线2》英雄解锁积分下调75%

EA declared war front line 2 Star Wars hero unlock integral by 75%

2017-11-14 10:55:02来源: 游戏时光

《星球大战 战争前线2》在最近因为解锁英雄花费过高的问题而走上了风口浪尖,EA 针对这一问题的回应也没有被玩家所接受,他们的回复甚至成了 Reddit 历史上获得差评最多的留言。截稿时为26万,而现在已经超过了50万。面对这样的情况,EA 似乎不得不采取一些行动。在几小时前,EA 宣布玩家在《星球大战 战争前线2》中解锁英雄所需的积分将会大大减少,幅度大约为75%左右。在官网公告中,最顶级的卢克·天行者/达斯·维达目前价格从6万分降低为1.5万积分,帕尔帕廷、楚巴卡等其它的英雄改为1万分,艾登维尔西奥则只需要5000点。基本上所有英雄都已经按照这一比例调整了解锁积分,因此即便是不氪金...

"Star war war front 2" in the recent hero for unlocking the problem of high cost and took to the forefront, EA response to this problem is not accepted by the player, they reply became even & have spent Reddit won the most bad review the history of the message. Deadline for 260000, and now has more than 500000. In the face of such situation, EA seems to have to take some action. Announced in a few hours ago, EA players in Star Wars war front line 2, the integral will unlock the hero in the greatly reduced, by about 75%. In the official website announcement, the top Luke skywalker/darth vader at present price reduced to 15000 points from six very, palpatine, chewbacca, and other heroes instead of 1, Eden, theo is only 5000 points. All heroes have been basically understand lock integral according to the proportion adjustment, so even no krypton gold...

标签: 星球大战