新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《三国志14》新情报:七大剧本和少数民族事件


New information in chronicles of the Three Kingdoms 14: seven plays and ethnic minority events

2019-11-22 09:04:39来源: 游戏时光

光荣特库摩公布了旗下历史模拟系列新作《三国志14》的更多游戏情报,介绍了游戏的剧本、武将个性、少数民族事件等内容,同时官方还公布了中文配音预告。 视频地址剧本《三国志14》提供了玩家 7 个不同剧本,例如揭开乱世序幕的“黄巾之乱”(184 年 2 月)、曹操与袁绍争夺霸权的“官渡之战”(200 年 1 月)、诸葛亮发动北伐的“出师表”(227 年 2 月),每个剧本都会有活跃于对应时代的英杰登场,根据所选剧本、势力的不同,统一中华大地的游戏方式也发生变化。在选择剧本后,玩家可随着时间流逝体验到那些著名的历史事件,例如貂蝉用连环计诱惑董卓和吕布、刘备三顾茅庐请诸葛亮出山,玩家只需在特定时间点满足...

Glorious tekumo released more game information of his new historical simulation series, chronicles of the Three Kingdoms 14, which introduced the script, the personality of the general, ethnic events and other contents of the game. At the same time, the official also released the Chinese voice over notice The video address script "chronicles of the Three Kingdoms 14" provides seven different scripts for players, such as the "yellow turban rebellion" (February 184), the "Guandu battle" (January 200) between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao to fight for hegemony, and Zhuge Liang's "teacher" to launch the Northern Expedition (February 227). Each script will have heroes active in the corresponding era, according to the selected script The game mode of unifying the land of China has also changed. After choosing the script, players can experience those famous historical events as time goes by. For example, Diao Chan lures Dong Zhuo, Lv Bu and Liu Bei to invite Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain with a series of tricks. Players only need to satisfy themselves at a specific time