新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为了打造云游戏,谷歌挖了一批育碧的开发者


In order to create cloud games, Google has hired a number of Ubisoft developers

2019-11-30 10:34:21来源: 游戏时光

谷歌聘请了一批《刺客信条》系列的开发者,他们加入了位于蒙特利尔的第一方工作室,主要专注于开发面向云游戏平台 Stadia 的作品。比如担任《刺客信条》执行制作人超过 10 年的 Sebastien Puel,目前是谷歌工作室的总监。还有谷歌工作室的产品经理 Francois Pelland,以前是育碧魁北克的执行总监,他主导开发了《刺客信条 辛迪加》,并且是《刺客信条3》的资深制作人。Mathieu Leduc 在担任谷歌工作室的艺术总监前,实际上也是《刺客信条2》和《看门狗1》的艺术总监。值得一提的是,与他们共事的 Jade Raymond,同样是今年 3 月从育碧跳槽过来的,曾参与过《刺客...

Google hired a group of developers of the assassin's Creed series to join the first-party studio in Montreal, focusing on the development of works for cloud game platform stadia. For example, Sebastien Puel, who has been the executive producer of Assassin's creed for more than 10 years, is currently the director of Google studio. And Francois pelland, product manager of Google studio, formerly executive director of Ubisoft Quebec, led the development of "Assassin's Creed syndicate" and is a senior producer of "Assassin's Creed 3". Mathieu Leduc was actually artistic director of assassin creed 2 and watchdog 1 before he was artistic director of Google studio. It's worth mentioning that jade Raymond, who worked with them, also jumped from Ubisoft in March this year and participated in assassin

标签: 游戏 谷歌