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Give me pumpkin candy, street basketball, Halloween

2016-10-27 08:52:59来源: 新浪

《街头篮球》10月27日全新版本即将火热上线,欢乐送全新升级,开放南瓜糖活动,疯狂购物节来临,周五六日消费返还,新增蓝色龙珠,自动售货机买买买,新增游戏魔荣誉,更多精彩内容让我们抢先看! 【我要南瓜糖 疯狂赠送】 在西方国家,每年的10月31日为"万圣节之夜"。万圣节是西方国家的...

"Street basketball" in October 27th a new version of the upcoming hot line, happy to send the new upgrade, open the pumpkin sugar, crazy shopping day, Friday six day consumption return, the new blue pearl, the vending machine to buy buy buy, new game magic honor, more exciting content, let us first look! [I want pumpkin candy frantically] in western countries, October 31st is "Halloween night". Halloween is a western country.