新关注 > 信息聚合 > 构建全免江湖《醉天下》银两获取攻略


Construction of "free world" silver gets drunk arena Raiders game

2015-04-15 14:43:14来源: 07073游戏网

由大黑游戏推出,首款“新生代轻武侠”新游《醉天下》,首推“三无”理念,以“平衡数值”设定,“遍地是银两”的回馈模式,将银两设置为通用货币,为玩家构建一个全免江湖。游戏即将开启首次封测,各位想要知道如何在游戏中获取银两吗?下面,就让我们一起去看看《醉天下》银两获取攻略吧! 摇钱树:这是...

launched by the big black game, the first "new generation light martial arts" new world "drunk", the first "three noes" concept, set to "balance", "land of silver" feedback mode, the silver is set to a common currency, as the game player to build a free world. The game is about to open the first beta, you want to know how to get the money in the game? Here, let us go to have a look the world "" drunk versus acquisition strategy to shake Qian Shu: This is...