新关注 > 信息聚合 > 22岁儿子沉迷网游 转走父母16万血汗钱被刑拘

22岁儿子沉迷网游 转走父母16万血汗钱被刑拘

22 year old son with online games Transferred 160000 parents hard-earned money being detained

2019-03-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

家里仅有的16万元血汗钱被沉迷网游的儿子一次性转走。结果儿子走了,钱没了,可怜的父母万般无奈之下选择报警。3月12日,盱眙县公安局马坝派出所在苏州警方大力协助下,将在苏州市姑苏区打工的黄某抓获。目前,黄某已被刑拘。 黄某22岁,平时无正当职业,整日游手好闲,沉迷网游。父亲在外打工,母亲不识多少字,平时家庭生活开支都是母亲带着儿子黄某去银行取钱,久而久之,黄某便记下母亲的银行卡账号和密码。一开始,黄某玩游戏花钱都是跟母亲要的。日子长了,母亲也很生气,经常看到他心里就添堵,也会时不时地数落他几句,可能说了一些伤他自尊的话语,黄某此前多次离家出走。爱子心切的父母多次委曲求全将儿子找回,苦苦哀求,...

Family's only 160000 yuan of money be compulsive playing the son of a one-time transfer. The son went, did not have money, desperately poor parents choose under the police. On March 12, xuyi county public security bureau police station in suzhou police horse dam, with the help will work in suzhou gusu area huang was arrested. At present, huang had been detained. Huang, 22, at ordinary times no legitimate career, just, compulsive playing. Father working outside, and my mother not how many words, is a mother took her boy to a normal family life spending huang went to the bank to withdraw money, over time, huang then write down the mother's bank card account number and password. In the beginning, huang to playing games to spend money is with mom. Days are long and his mother was very angry, often see his heart is difficult, will also knock him a few words, from time to time may be said some words hurt his self-respect, huang had repeatedly ran away from home. Desperation parents will son settling back many times, begged,...

标签: 网游