新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2K中国发布《无主之地3》黑五促销宣传片 三缺一等你来躁

2K中国发布《无主之地3》黑五促销宣传片 三缺一等你来躁

2K China releases "the land of ownerless 3" black five promotional film

2019-11-27 15:40:32来源: 游戏时光

一年一度的黑五促销正在进行中,国内外各个游戏平台也都正在进行打折活动。借着这个机会,2K 中国发布了三个《无主之地3》的黑五促销宣传片,游戏目前在各平台都在进行折扣活动,其中 PC 版在 EGS 商城目前只买 20 美元,豪华版 33.49 美元,超级豪华版 48.23 美元,游戏支持简繁中文和中文配音,感兴趣的朋友不妨买一份和朋友一起躁起来~

The annual black five promotion is in progress, and various game platforms at home and abroad are also carrying out discount activities. Taking this opportunity, 2K China has released three black five promotional videos of "the land of ownerless 3". Currently, the game is being discounted on various platforms, of which the PC version is only $20 in EGS mall, the luxury version is $33.49, and the super luxury version is $48.23. The game supports simple and complex Chinese and Chinese dubbing. Interested friends can buy one to get angry with their friends~