新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刷了2000条短视频后 我找到了抖音手游营销的捷径

刷了2000条短视频后 我找到了抖音手游营销的捷径

Brush the article 2000 after a short video I found a shortcut to trill mobile game marketing

2018-05-07 18:03:14来源: 游戏茶馆


Guide language: no one can beat me in my BGM. Since last year, a short video industry into the concentrated outbreak period, and rely on the flow rate is small, the advantages of the novel has quickly become the focus of the game industry, short video platform become the focus of the game to buy quantity of marketing. After rectified development, headed by trill short video platform has been smoothly through the "savage growth" era, low cost flow of dividend is gone, and the advent of the era of content marketing has become a destiny. After brush 2000 + short video, I learned the present short video platform, led by trill, content marketing trends, and summarizes some "elegant"

标签: 手游 视频 抖音