新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《喋血街头4》现已登陆Steam开启抢先体验


"Bloody Street 4" has landed in Steam to start a preemptive experience

2019-10-15 13:10:01来源: 游戏时光

以无下限著称的“喋血街头”系列新作《喋血街头4》(POSTAL 4: No Regerts)今日正式登陆 Steam ,开启了抢先体验。现在购买还有 -10% 的折扣,仅售 63 元人民币,游戏暂不支持中文。视频地址《喋血街头4》是一款主打开放世界的第一人称游戏,其前作《喋血街头2》更是被誉为“史上最渣游戏”。新作来到了亚利桑那州灼热的沙漠,故事的主角邮差看来又要一言不合,大开杀戒了。来源:Steam

The new series POSTAL 4: No Regerts, which is known as the "Bloody Street" series, officially landed in Steam today, opening a preemptive experience. Now there is a discount of - 10% for purchasing. It only sells RMB 63. The game does not support Chinese for the time being. Video Address "Bloody Street 4" is a first-person game to open up and put into the world. Its previous work "Bloody Street 2" is known as "the worst game in history". The new work arrives in the burning desert of Arizona, and the postman, the hero of the story, seems to have another word to say, killing and abstaining. Source: Steam

标签: Steam