新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄子韬率队PK 多益网络品牌战略发布会将现《神武3》战队对决

黄子韬率队PK 多益网络品牌战略发布会将现《神武3》战队对决

Tao rate team PK doeg the network brand strategy conference will now creature 3 teams

2018-03-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年,火了《这就是街舞》,也让韬队长走进更多观众的视线中。从《真正男子汉》到《这就是街舞》,黄子韬始终随心随性,不刻意追求荧屏的偶像人设,却总在不经意间展现出自己天赋般的综艺感,爆笑全场,吸粉无数。这一次,作为《神武3》首席弟子的黄子韬,即将在3月29日的2018多益网络品牌战略发布会率队出击。 首席弟子,率队出击 近期,黄子韬确认将于3月29日参加在广州国际羽毛球培训中心召开的多益网络品牌战略发布会。继多益网络携手黄子韬推广新品力作《神武3》后,黄子韬以《神武3》首席弟子的身份为大众所熟知。这一次,黄子韬将以明星队长的身份与特邀队伍进行5V5对抗赛,率队与玩家粉丝面对面PK、...

In 2018, the fire "this is the street dance", also let more towers captain walked into the line of sight of the audience. From the "real man" to "this is the street dance", tao always follow along with the gender, refraining from screen idol, set, but always inadvertently show a variety of feeling your talents, joke, countless powder. This time, as a "creature 3" tao of chief disciple, on March 29, 2018 profit rate of network brand strategy conference team. Recently, chief disciple, led out of the tao to confirm on March 29, participate in the guangzhou international badminton training centre at a toeic network brand strategy conference. The toeic network to tao to promote new blockbuster creature 3 ", the identity of the tao to "creature 3" chief disciple known to the public. This time, tao will with star captain and guest team for the 5 v5, rate of team players and fans face-to-face PK,...