新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一群英国人,为何大老远跑来资助中国的游戏开发者?


Why did a group of Britons come all the way to support Chinese game developers?

2019-06-30 11:00:00来源: 游戏时光

趁着上海电影节召开,我顶着大雨和早高峰被挤成馅饼的风险来到外滩。在临江的半岛酒店门前,嘈杂的人声中混着英语、法语和日语,周围满是娱乐记者和西装革履的大众传媒,作为一名游戏行业的编辑,我瞅了瞅自己土里土气的夹克,感到有些格格不入。之所以如此大费周章,是听说有人大老远从英国跑来,居然是为了支援中国的开发者制作游戏。直到工作人员领着半信半疑的我来到酒店包间,见到 BAFTA(英国电影电视艺术学院)的 CEO 阿曼达·贝瑞(Amanda Berry)女士后,这才知道他们所言非虚:BAFTA 并非是想将游戏开发者置于聚光灯下,而是给予长期的培养和支持。阿曼达·贝瑞如果你关注电影奖项,那么大抵会听过 BA...

Taking advantage of the Shanghai Film Festival, I came to the Bund against the risk of heavy rain and early peak being squeezed into pies. In front of Linjiang Peninsula Hotel, the noisy voice was mixed with English, French and Japanese, surrounded by entertainment reporters and mass media in suits and shoes. As an editor of the game industry, I looked at my native jacket and felt a little out of place. The reason for this is that I heard that someone came all the way from Britain to support Chinese developers in making games. It wasn't until the staff arrived in the hotel room with half-confidence and met Ms. Amanda Berry, CEO of BAFTA (British Academy of Motion Picture and Television Arts), that they knew what they were saying: BAFTA was not about putting game developers in the spotlight, but about providing long-term training and support. Amanda Berry, if you're concerned about movie awards, you've probably heard of BA...

标签: 游戏