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《弹丸论破》10周年企划启动 3款游戏登陆手机

On the 10th anniversary of "Bullet Theory" plans to launch three games to land on mobile phones

2020-04-18 21:00:09来源: 游戏时光

  在《Fami通》·《电击》游戏大奖 2019 的颁奖礼上,《弹丸论破》系列的 10 周年企划被公开,颁奖礼上公开了企划的 3 项内容,其中包括将 3 款正传作品移植到智能手机平台。  首先是从 5 月 21 日起,每周四都会举办《弹丸论破》系列的直播活动,活动由声优绪方惠美主持,每月都会有与游戏因缘深厚的嘉宾登场。  其次为《弹丸论破》系列将与网易手游《第五人格》将会进行联动。  第三项内容是《弹丸论破:希望的学园和绝望高中生》《超级弹丸论破2:再见绝望学园》和《新弹丸论破V3:大家互相残杀的新学期》这 3 款游戏将移植登陆智能手机平台。移植版的游戏将针对智能手机调整 UI,利用触碰机能提升游戏效能,并加入角色表情、声音和设定资料浏览室等新功能。  有关 3 款移植游戏的发售日还没有公布。via はちま起稿

In the award ceremony of Fami · electric shock game award 2019, the 10th anniversary anniversary plan of the series of "bullet on the break" was made public, and 3 contents of the plan were made public at the award ceremony, including transplanting 3 authentic works to the smartphone platform. First of all, since May 21, a live broadcast of the series of "on the destruction of bullets" will be held every four weeks. The event will be hosted by Xu Huimei, a voice actor. Every month, there will be guests who have deep ties with the game. Secondly, the series of "on the broken bullet" will be linked with Netease mobile game "the fifth personality". The third content is "on the broken bullet: the school garden of hope and the high school students of despair", "on the broken super bullet 2: goodbye to the school garden of despair" and "on the broken new bullet V3: the new semester of everyone killing each other". These three games will be transplanted to the smartphone platform. The transplanted version of the game will adjust the UI for smart phones, improve the game performance by using touch function, and add new functions such as character expression, voice and setting data browsing room. The release date of the three transplanted Games has not been announced. Via はちま draft

标签: 游戏