新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这个冬天有点长:疫情冲击下的全球游戏产业


This winter is a bit long: the global game industry under the impact of the epidemic

2020-04-19 07:00:00来源: 游戏时光

  随着 COVID-19 新冠病毒在全球范围内的蔓延,我们熟知的游戏产业终究难以避免的受到了影响。  终于,日本计算机娱乐分级机构 Computer Entertainment Rating Organization(CERO)也因为疫情肆虐而暂停了工作,关闭时间暂定为 4 月 8 日至 5 月 6 日,期间将停止包括正在进行中的所有待审核项目。  换言之本应源源不断推出新作品的日本市场游戏发行,在短时间内被迫“停水”了。  新冠病毒,以飞沫传播为主,目前具有人传人的能力,感染后可能会出现肺部病变,严重者会有因肺部细胞膜阻塞以及引发自身其他疾病而出现生命危险,截至本文成稿时全球感染者已经突破 168 万人,死亡人数高达 10 万人。  中国作为最先对疫情予以重视的国家,一番试错之后对疫情的防控总结出了比较完善

With the global spread of covid-19 new coronavirus, the well-known game industry has been inevitably affected. Finally, the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (cero), a Japanese Computer Entertainment Rating Organization, suspended its work due to the outbreak. The closing time is tentatively from April 8 to May 6, during which it will stop including all pending projects in progress. In other words, the Japanese market game distribution, which should have launched new works continuously, was forced to "cut off water" in a short time. The new coronavirus is mainly transmitted by droplets. At present, it has the ability of human to human transmission. After infection, there may be lung lesions, and serious cases may be life-threatening due to the blockage of lung cell membrane and other diseases. By the time of writing, the number of infected people in the world has exceeded 1.68 million, and the death toll is up to 100000. China, as the first country to pay attention to the epidemic situation, after a trial and error, the prevention and control of the epidemic situation has been relatively perfect

标签: 游戏