新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳头公司悬赏《Valorant》反作弊系统漏洞 最高奖金10万美元

拳头公司悬赏《Valorant》反作弊系统漏洞 最高奖金10万美元

Top companies reward "valorant" with a maximum reward of $100000 for anti cheating system vulnerabilities

2020-04-20 15:52:32来源: 游戏时光

  《英雄联盟》开发商 Riot Games 将在未来推出全新的战术射击游戏《Valorant》,公司也给新作配备了新型反作弊系统“Vanguard”。近日 Riot Games 向黑客群体发布悬赏公告,邀请黑客们找出“Vanguard”的漏洞,从而提升该系统的安全性。  此次活动的公告发布在漏洞悬赏平台 HackerOne 上。如果有黑客报告了“Vanguard”的漏洞,拳头游戏就会给予相应数额的奖金。悬赏奖金从 2 万 5 千美元起步,最高可至 10 万美元。但要想得到最高额度的赏金,黑客就必须彻底攻陷“Vanguard”反作弊系统,并出具详细的漏洞报告,整个过程的难度颇高。   其实早在 2014 年,Riot Games 就开始发布漏洞悬赏活动,并为此支出了超过 200

Riot games, the developer of hero League, will launch a brand new tactical shooting game "valorant" in the future, and the company will also equip the new work with a new anti cheating system "vanguard". Recently & nbsp; riot games & nbsp; issued a reward notice to the hacker community, inviting hackers to find out the vulnerability of "vanguard", so as to improve the security of the system. The announcement of the event was released on hacker one, a vulnerability reward platform. If a hacker reports the vulnerability of vanguard, the fist game will give a corresponding amount of bonus. The prize money starts from $25000 and can be up to $100000. However, in order to get the maximum reward, hackers must completely capture the "vanguard" anti cheating system and issue a detailed vulnerability report. The whole process is very difficult. &Amp; nbsp; as early as 2014, riot games