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《马力欧&索尼克 东京奥运》11月1日发售,包含复古模式

"Mario & Sonic Tokyo Olympics" was released on November 1st, with a retro model

2019-08-21 09:12:34来源: 游戏时光

世嘉于科隆游戏展上公布了体育竞技游戏《马力欧&索尼克 2020东京奥运》的发售日期详情,本作日版将于11月1日发售,美版11月5日,欧版11月8日,并公布了本作复古模式预告视频。 《马力欧&索尼克 2020东京奥运》中将收录2020年奥运会的24项比赛项目,不过本作还包含了一个复古模式,玩家可以用2D的马力欧和索尼克等角色体验1964 年东京奥运的比赛项目,包括100米、10米跳水、400米跨栏、柔道、皮划艇、跳远、马拉松、射击、撑杆跳高、排球。《马力欧&索尼克 2020东京奥运》支持Joy-Con体感游玩,并支持线下4人分屏和线上最多8人联机,官方确认本作日版将对应简体中文。来源:gematsu

At the Cologne Game Exhibition, Sega announced the details of the release date of the sports game "Mario & amp; Sonic 2020 Tokyo Olympics". The Japanese version will be released on November 1st, the American version on November 5th, and the European version on November 8th. "Malio & amp; Sonic 2020 Tokyo Olympics" will include 24 events of the 2020 Olympic Games, but this book also contains a retro model. Players can experience the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games with 2D Malio and Sonic characters, including 100 meters, 10 meters diving, 400 meters hurdles, judo, kayaking. Long jump, marathon, shooting, pole vault, volleyball. "Malio & amp; Sonic 2020 Tokyo Olympics" supports Joy-Con somatosensory play, four people offline and up to eight people online. Officials confirm that the Japanese version of this book will correspond to Simplified Chinese. Source: gematsu

标签: 索尼 索尼克