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《复仇者联盟4 终局之战》片段公布:惊奇队长自信上阵

"Avengers League 4 Final Battle" clip released: surprise captain self-confident to play

2019-04-09 10:17:11来源: 游戏时光

漫威影业公布了《复仇者联盟4 终局之战》的首个片段内容,存活的复仇者联盟成员与惊奇队长一同商量如何对付灭霸。(中文字幕由鲲鹏万里-漫威部落制作) 视频地址在该片段中,复联发现灭霸再次使用了原石,美国队长、惊奇队长和黑寡妇想要尽快找到灭霸并消灭他,而班纳、罗德则相对保守。另外,惊队表示之所以没有在上一部电影中出场,是因为她去了别的星球保护人民,她还提到用原石把所有人带回来,不知道这个方法会是什么……电影将于4月24日在国内上映,该看了。

Manwei Pictures released the first clip of "Avenger Alliance 4 Final Battle". The surviving Avenger Alliance members discussed with the Marvel Captain how to deal with the hegemony. (Chinese subtitles are made by Kupeng Wanli-Manwei tribe.) In the video address, the duplicate found that the original stone was used again. The captain of the United States, the captain of surprise and the black widow wanted to find and eliminate the hegemony as soon as possible, while Banner and Rod were relatively conservative. In addition, the surprise team said that she did not appear in the last film because she went to other planets to protect the people. She also mentioned using the original stone to bring everyone back. I don't know what this method will be. The film will be shown in China on April 24. It's time to see it.