新关注 > 信息聚合 > App Annie:苹果App Store接入银联支付及1元促销..

App Annie:苹果App Store接入银联支付及1元促销..

App Annie: Apple App Store access UnionPay payment and 1 yuan promotional..

2014-12-13 09:00:52来源: 199IT

银联加入中国区 iOS 应用商店付费选项后的促销活动大大提升付费下载量 11月17日,苹果宣布开始支持中国最大的银行卡网络银联,使其成为中国区iOS应用商店除了VISA、万事达和美国运通之外的又一...

UnionPay add store application of iOS China area payment option after the promotional activities greatly enhance the amount in November 17th, downloads, Apple announced the start of support Chinese largest bank card network silver-colored couplet, make it become the store application of iOS China district except VISA, MasterCard and USA express outside the a...

标签: APP 苹果