新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从北京烤鸭到卡通豆小鸭 中国动画片受美国孩子欢迎

从北京烤鸭到卡通豆小鸭 中国动画片受美国孩子欢迎

From Beijing roast duck to cartoon bean ducklings Chinese cartoon popular with American kids

2018-03-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《豆小鸭》中美创作团队在洛杉矶进行讨论。(美国《侨报》) 据美国《侨报》报道,独霸美国几十年的动画形象唐老鸭如今遇到了强劲的对手——来自中国的《豆小鸭》。即将重返美国的《豆小鸭》第二季或许能打破唐老鸭“一鸭独大”的局面。由中国动画工作室开发、中美团队合力创作的学龄前动画片《豆小鸭》(P. King Duckling)创意团队日前抵达洛杉矶,为动画片第二季重返美国观众视野而开展创意宣传准备工作。 在一年多以前,《豆小鸭》成为第一部登陆迪士尼和奈非(Netflix)的中国动画片。《豆小鸭》在美国的出现立即受到了美国孩子们的欢迎,如今它即将回归观众的视野中。 《豆小鸭》制作人顾辰27日接...

"The bean the duckling" creative team of China and the United States in Los Angeles for discussion. (us qiaobao) according to the United States reported qiaobao, dominating the decades of animation image Donald now had a strong rival, "bean the duckling" from China. Will return to the United States "the ducklings beans," the second quarter may break the Donald Duck "a dominant" ducks. Developed by the Chinese animation studio, China and the United States team together creation of pre-school animation "the bean the Duckling" (p. King Duckling) creative team has arrived in Los Angeles, for animation view back to American audiences in the second quarter to carry out the creative advertising preparation. In more than a year ago, the bean the duckling became the first landing Disney and nai (Netflix) of Chinese animation. The appearance of the beans ducklings in the United States immediately get the welcome of the American children, now it is back to the audience. The bean ducklings producer Gu Chen 27 meet...