新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《征途2》新资料片“开年之战”3月2日上线


"Journey 2 new expansion" open war "on March 2

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一元复始,开年大吉!全民互祝开年大吉之际,《征途2》即将推出新资料片“开年之战”! “开年之战”新资料片第一季将于3月2日上线:极其丰厚的开年利是,派送新一年的吉祥祝福!众多老区玩家将迎来一波大合区!激情服六区开启,缤纷福利迎接开门红!资料片第二季将于3月下旬推出:服务器重组打造“天下无敌”超级大区,群星荟萃引领新格局!开启返利新区以及部分区服的永久转区! 开年利是 新区老区福利满满! 开年利是,大吉大利!《征途2》新资料片“开年之战”的第一季,将为新老玩家送出丰厚的开年利是,祝大家好运连连! 3月2日,《征途2》“开年之战”资料片新区“激情服六区”将火爆开启,送“开年之战”礼包...

In the yuan after beginning, open great luck! A wish each year of business, open "journey 2" the upcoming new expansion "open war"! "Open war" in the first quarter of the new expansion will be launched on March 2: extremely generous annual interest is, send New Year auspicious blessings! Many old players will usher in a wave of big area. Passion take six open, colorful welfare to meet good start! The expansion in the second quarter will be released in late march: server make "unrivaled" super regional restructuring, star-studded leading new pattern! Open the rebate new city and some of the area take permanent transfer area! Open is the new city old welfare p.a. full! P.a. is open, prosperous! "Journey 2" new "open war" in the first quarter of the expansion, will provide the new and old players out generous annual interest is, I wish you all good luck! On March 2, "journey 2" "open war" in the expansion the new "passion take six area" open hot, send "open war" gift bag...