新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox工作室主管:技术限制游戏设计的时代已经结束


Xbox studio director: the era of technology limiting game design is over

2020-07-28 13:22:26来源: 游戏时光

  在 7 月 23 日 Xbox 游戏发布活动直播之后,Xbox 游戏工作室主管 Matt Booty 接受了卫报采访,他认为,由技术限制电子游戏设计的时代已经结束,Xbox Series X 的性能将让开发者专注于游戏设计而非技术挑战。  Booty 在采访中表示,“我们正处在一个技术不再是障碍的阶段”。他解释道:“在之前的世代中,硬件的局限性会给游戏留下清晰的印记。我记得早期游戏还在使用 sprite 缩放,然后突然间所有物体都开始能在屏幕上飞舞了。那时都是围绕着技术进步来打造游戏。但现在我们的技术可以让团队心中的故事和人物展现在屏幕上。”他之后还补充道:  你看看电影,我们几乎对那些令人惊叹的特效已经麻木了。你看到特效把演员们变成年轻 20 岁的样子,你看到那些神奇的世界,你会认为这是理所当然的——这就

After the live broadcast of the Xbox game launch on July 23, Matt booty, director of Xbox game studio, told the guardian that the era of technology limiting video game design is over, and the performance of Xbox series X will allow developers to focus on game design rather than technical challenges. "We are at a stage where technology is no longer an obstacle," booty said in an interview. "In previous generations, the limitations of hardware left a clear mark on the game," he explained. I remember that early games were still scaling with Sprite, and all of a sudden everything started flying on the screen. At that time, the game was built around technological progress. But now our technology allows the stories and characters of the team to be displayed on the screen. " He added later: you see the movie, we're almost numb to the amazing special effects. You see special effects turning actors into 20-year-olds, you see the magical world, and you take it for granted - that's it

标签: 游戏 Xbox