新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《加雷利亚的地下迷宫与魔女旅团》确定将于11月26日发售


"The underground labyrinth of Galeria and the enchantress brigade" will be on sale on November 26

2020-07-28 14:31:17来源: 游戏时光

  在昨日的泄露之后,日本一于今日官方宣布,此前因打磨品质而延期的《加雷利亚的地下迷宫与魔女旅团》将于 11 月 26 日登陆 PS4/PS Vita 平台。  在此前的访谈中,日本一社长曾表示本作也将支持中文,并希望最好中文版与日本同步发售,如果不行的话尽可能也不要相差三个月的发售日期。  本作是人气迷宫 RPG《卢弗兰的地下迷宫与魔女旅团》的全新续作,玩家将来到全新的舞台加雷利亚与新的魔女相遇,本作中玩家将扮演一盏“降灵灯”,跟随魔女制造的人形泛用兵器前往迷宫探寻秘密。   游戏各版本售价如下:PS4:普通版 7200 日元,限定版 9200 日元;PS Vita:普通版 6200 日元,限定版 8200 日元。  以下为各个日本实体/数字店铺的预约购买特典,按顺序依次为 ワンダーGOO

After yesterday's leak, Japan officially announced today that the "underground labyrinth of Galeria and the enchantress brigade", which had been postponed due to grinding quality, would land on the PS4 / PS Vita platform on November 26. In a previous interview, a Japanese president once said that the book would also support Chinese, and hoped that the best Chinese version would be released simultaneously with Japan. If not, it would be as close as three months to the date of sale. This is a new sequel to the popular labyrinth RPG "the underground labyrinth of rufran and the enchantress brigade". Players will come to a new stage and meet with the new witch. In this work, the player will play a "spirit light" and follow the human shaped universal weapons made by the witch to explore the secrets of the maze. &The price of each version of the game is as follows: PS4: ordinary version 7200 yen, limited version 9200 yen; PS Vita: ordinary version 6200 yen, limited version 8200 yen. The following is a list of booking and purchasing specialities for each Japanese entity / digital store, in the order of & amp; nbsp; ワンダーーーワワンダー go