新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第二届《巫师之昆特牌》「伙伴公开赛」即将开幕


The second session of the wizard's kunt card "partner open" is about to open

2020-07-28 16:24:51来源: 游戏时光

  CD PROJEKT RED 官方宣布,由玩家熟悉的主播、视频作者之间对决的赛事《巫师之昆特牌》“伙伴公开赛”即将于今晚(7 月 28 日)举办第二届比赛。  作为拉近玩家与官方距离的途径之一,CD PROJEKT RED 于 2019 年开启了“伙伴计划”,官方招募了众多《巫师之昆特牌》游戏相关内容创作者,以提供玩家扩大自身内容影响力、参加封闭测试、分享游戏体验的机会,“伙伴公开赛”正是这样一次活动。  第二届《巫师之昆特牌》“伙伴公开赛”将于 7 月 28 日~30 日三天内连续举办 7 轮晋级赛,比赛规则为三局两胜制,随后众多晋级的高手将于 8 月 1 日举办五局三胜的单败淘汰赛,这一阶段的比赛将会在全新赛事平台与观战模式中进行解说。  具体比赛时间:晋级赛第一日:北京时间,7 月 28 日 24:0

CD Projekt red officially announced that the "partner open" competition of the wizard's kunt card, which is a duel between familiar hosts and video authors, will be held in the second competition tonight (July 28). As one of the ways to shorten the distance between players and the official, CD Projekt red started the "partner program" in 2019, and officially recruited many creators of relevant content of the "wizard's kunt card" game to provide players with opportunities to expand their content influence, participate in closed tests and share game experience. The "partner open" is just such an activity. The second "wizard's kunt card" partner open competition will be held in three days from July 28 to 30, with seven rounds of promotion. The rules of the competition are the best of three in three games. Subsequently, many advanced masters will hold a single defeat elimination competition with five sets and three wins on August 1. The competition at this stage will be explained in the new competition platform and viewing mode. Specific competition time: the first day of promotion: Beijing time, July 28, 24:0