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共享经济助力 《影武者》两大全新打宝副本上线

Shared economic pillar "shadow fighters" two new Po copy online

2017-08-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

冰川旗下次世代·超级动作网游《影武者》8月11日首次不限号内测,两大全新超级打宝副本重磅登场,掉宝,爆装,赚钱人人有份!共享经济革新交易系统,保障玩家权益保护角色价值!副本还有独具特色的BOSS设定,层出不穷的机关障碍,绝对让你大呼过瘾!还有次世代多人战斗视频尝鲜首曝,激情打宝多人PK,让你热血沸腾,欲罢不能! 【两大全新副本:高AI怪物设定 好玩与收获齐飞】 此次测试,官方推出火焰山和天魔幻境两大全新动作打宝副本。BOSS设计各个独具特色,有话痨的,有傲娇的,各种稀奇古怪的设定层出不穷。如果玩家不照办,脾气一上来可能就死伤一片。同时,副本中的关卡也不能小看,打败BOSS以后还要护送...

Glaciers, its next-gen super action games, the shadow fighters for the first time on August 11, unlimited private beta, two new super hit blockbuster, a copy of the treasure treasure, blasting, everyone has to make money! Sharing innovative economic trading system, ensure the protection of the rights and interests of the player character value! Copy and unique BOSS set, organ disorders emerge in endlessly, absolutely let you call enjoyable! And next generation people fighting video to try first exposure, passion play treasure people PK, let you have a boiling passion, stop! The two new copy: high AI for fun and harvest fly together 】 the tests, the official launch of the volcano and monty dreamland two new movements play a copy of the treasure. BOSS each unique design, have a safe, have a tsundere, set all kinds of strange emerge in endlessly. If you don't do this, may be dead and injured a has a temper. Copy at the same time, the level can not underestimate, defeat the BOSS later to escort...

标签: 共享经济