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神勇无敌 《神奇女侠》国内票房破5亿

The brave invincible "wonder woman" domestic box office, 500 million

2017-06-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

DC超级英雄电影《神奇女侠》在6月2日全球上映,票房一路走高,今日DC电影官方和腾讯影业宣布,《神奇女侠》在内地的票房正式突破5亿。DC电影官微用“武力超群,神勇无敌”来表达喜悦之情。 《神奇女侠》可谓口碑票房双丰收,电影在烂番茄的新鲜度达到93%,IMdb评分8.4。可以说,DC超级英雄电影用《神奇女侠》打了一个漂亮的翻身仗。 接下来,DC在2017年底将献上《正义联盟》这部超级英雄组团大戏,期盼它也能带来不俗的表现。

DC superhero movie "wonder woman" in the world on June 2, the box office all the way higher, DC film official and tencent pictures today announced that the "wonder woman" in the mainland formally break through 500 million at the box office. DC micro movie officer with "superior force to brave invincible" to express his joy. Double harvest, "wonder woman" is a word of mouth box office film in rotten tomatoes freshness reached 93%, IMdb score of 8.4. DC superhero movie, as it were, with "wonder woman" hit a beautiful turnaround. Next, DC at the end of 2017 will offer the drama of the justice league super hero group, hope it can bring good performance. & have spent