新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有米科技:让跨境电商实现新客与ROI双丰收


Rice science and technology: let the cross-border electricity implement new guest and ROI

2017-05-31 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近年来,国内海淘市场需求日益增长,促使了跨境电商服务如雨后春笋般冒出,行业规模高速增长。据《2016-2017中国跨境电商市场研究》报告显示,目前市场不仅拥有网易考拉、小红书、洋码头等垂直海淘电商平台,天猫、京东、亚马逊等综合电商平台也增添了海外购业务,海淘市场出现百家争鸣的盛况。 2015年,奥园集团旗下的奥买家跨境电商平台在强手如云的行业中异军突起,在前期试水跨境电商体验店之后,2016年大力拓展线上平台业务,凭借“线上线下双线融合”的发展策略,奥买家实现了快速壮大,并出现了三位数的增长。作为奥买家在线上营销推广的合作伙伴,有米科技国内效果广告围绕其产品特色、用户组成以及市场策略,量身...

In recent years, the growing domestic demand for overseas online shopping market, prompted the cross-border electricity services have sprung up, industry scale growth. According to the study of cross-border electricity dealer market in China, 2016-2017, according to a report at present, the market not only has netease koala, little red book, such as the terminal vertical overseas online shopping electric business platform, Tmall, jingdong, amazon and other comprehensive electric business platform also adds to the overseas purchase business, overseas online shopping market in schools of thought contend. In 2015, the park corp., the buyer of the cross-border electric business platform in the strong competitive industry boom, after preliminary try water cross-border electricity business experience store, 2016, vigorously develop the online business platform, with "online double integration" development strategy, the buyer has realized the fast growing, and led to the growth of the three digits. As the buyer online marketing partner, effect of rice science and technology of domestic advertising around its product characteristics and the composition of the user and market strategy, tailored...

标签: 电商