新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017移动电商用户画像研究报告发布!你了解你的目标客户吗?


2017 mobile electricity users portraits research report! Do you know about your target customers?

2017-05-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

618电商大促将至,相信大部分电商商家正在摩拳擦掌,加班加点地进行着“战前准备”。对此,有米科技结合有米数据中心、第一财经商业数据中心输出的数据研究整理出2016~2017最新移动电商用户画像报告。希望通过该报告,能帮助各大电商商家更有针对性地找到目标客户人群,从而提高销量。同时,也对产品和品牌的营销推广起到借鉴性作用! 数据来源:有米数据中心、第一财经商业数据中心 图YM_YL 那么,面对当前的移动电商客户,如何才能做到针对性推广、精准营销、投其所好呢?我们分别从性别、年龄以及地域三个方面进行分析: 男女性别差异 在大家的惯性认知中,女性的网购行为多于男性。但事实上,国...

618 electric daqo promote will come, believe most electricity merchants are rubbing their hands, work overtime to go around the "preparation" before the war. To this, have rice science and technology combined with data center, the first commercial data center of the output data of finance and economics research of 2016 ~ 2017 mobile electricity users report. Hope that through this report, can help the electricity businesses more focused to find the target customer groups, so as to improve sales. At the same time, also effect on the marketing promotion of products and brands helps! Data sources: rice data center, the first finance and economics, business data center figure YM_YL so, in the face of the current mobile electricity customers, how to do targeted marketing, precision marketing, its good? We respectively from gender, age and geographical analysis of three aspects: gender differences In everyone's cognitive inertia, online shopping behavior of women than men. But, in fact, the...

标签: 电商