新关注 > 信息聚合 > 终于来了!《超级马里奥Run》登录Android


Finally! Super Mario Run "login Android

2017-03-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今天,任天堂旗下的《超级马里奥Run》正式登录Android。 目前,用户可在Google Play Store免费该游戏,前三级可免费试玩,后续内容需要付费。 如果想要解锁整个游戏的话,那么价格是10美元,约合人民币60多元。 在游戏中,马里奥不断奔跑,自动跳过小障碍,玩家需要触击屏幕,收集硬币,还要跳到Goombas和Koopas(游戏的角色)的头上,玩法和小时候红白机上的版本类似,只是画面精致了很多。 该游戏于去年底登录iOS平台,很快就成为最畅销的游戏。但由于10美元解锁费的关系,该游戏的表现已经大不如前了,不知道在Android平台上能否焕发第二春。

Today, nintendo's super Mario Run "officially logged in Android. At present, the user can in the Google Play Store the free game, level 3 free demo before, we have to pay for subsequent content. If you want to unlock the whole game, so the price is $10, $60 yuan. In the game, Mario continuous running, automatic jump over small obstacles, players need to touch screen, collecting COINS, but also to Goombas and Koopas on the head of the role of (game), play and when I was a child on the version of similar, is only delicate picture a lot. Login iOS game in the end of last year, will soon become the most popular game. But due to unlock $10 fee, the relationship between the performance of the game have less, don't know whether on the Android platform on a second.

标签: Android