新关注 > 信息聚合 > 秃毛25岁了!世嘉联动电车公司推索尼克系列涂装


Bald hair 25 years old! Linkage traction company sega sonic series coating

2016-11-16 11:38:56来源: 新浪

世嘉旗下经典形象“索尼克”游戏角色诞生25周年了,同龄的还有《魔法气泡》系列。 作为纪念策划的一环,世嘉发源地京急空港线大鸟居站前羽田大厦与当地电车会社“京浜急行电铁株式会社”达成联动协议,新索尼克和魔法气泡涂装电车将于11月14日~12月17日运行。

Sega's classic image "sonic" role the 25th anniversary of the birth of the game, there are "magic bubble" series of the same age. As part of a memorial planning, the birthplace of sega Beijing urgent haneda airport line big torii station building and the local tram line "keihin electric iron," society linkage agreement, new sonic and magical bubble coating trolley on November 14 ~ 17 December.

标签: 索尼 索尼克