新关注 > 信息聚合 > “泽炳李双”成为历史,星际传奇选手Jaedong退役


"Ze bean Li Shuang" has become history, pitch black players Jaedong retired

2016-11-03 07:49:00来源: 178游戏网

相信星际的粉丝对于“Jaedong”这个ID应该都不会陌生,出众的实力加上帅气的面孔,韩国选手Jaedong在全世界拥有着大量的粉丝。但今天Jaedong发推宣布退役了,Jaedong表示:“自己最后还是以职业选手的身份结束了职业生涯,各位不要忘记我哦!” 星际1时期曾名声大噪的“泽炳...

Believe that the star fans for "Jaedong" this ID should not strange, superior strength and a handsome face, Korean players Jaedong has a lot of fans all over the world. But today Jaedong tweet announced his retirement, Jaedong said: "your finally ended his career as a professional player, you don't forget me!" Reputation in starcraft 1 "ze bean...

标签: 星际传奇