新关注 > 信息聚合 > IT1024?这是目前最sexy的直播新玩法


IT1024? This is by far the most sexy new play live

2016-09-29 01:01:40来源: IT168

如今直播行业可谓是如火如荼。无论是以国民老公王思聪的为代表的直播平台烧钱大战以及直播平台之间挖角跳槽大战 还是以周杰伦和Angelababy等为代表的明星杀入直播行列 斗鱼获腾讯领投的1亿美金,估值10亿美元;欢聚时代拿出10亿来砸虎牙,虎牙1亿签当红主播MISS;映客获昆仑万维...

Now live industry is in full swing. Regardless of whether they are represented by national husband sicong live platform costly wars and live platform between poaching from war or represented by jay Chou and Angelababy star to live ranks for selectively tencent get for $100 million, $1 billion valuation. Gather time took out 1 billion to hit a tiger tooth, teeth 100 million signed red advocate MISS; Reflected the guest received the kunlun ten thousand d...

标签: 直播